I get a stomach bug that sends me to the porcelain thrown all week. I'm blogging from there as we speak... no just kidding. ;)
My mother ends up hospitalised because her cancer has got out of hand again, and we have just discovered that she has another form of cancer in her lower back that cannot be cured but luckily, is easily manageable. :\ Not great news, but good news I guess.
To top it all off, she called me yesterday saying that she's been discharged from hospital and will wait for me to pick her up at 5:30 in the afternoon.
The hospital is right near my work (5 mins). So that wasn't an issue at all. What was an issue was my car dying in the middle of the road, just as I was about to park.
It appears the fuel pump, or fingers crossed, the fuel pump relay has died. The difference is $500+ over $20 respectively.
I waited around for four and a half hours for a tow. Finally getting home at 10:30. Where my wife hands me half a plate of cold chicken bits, saying "here's your dinner". When I'm about to finish eating what I thought was the dogs food... not because of the food, but the way it was given to me, and without salad, rice, etc. She then asks me if I want something like bread, or sauce.
Please! Don't bother :\
Today is Friday the 13th. Historically, it's my lucky day. I wonder if I get hit by a truck or something.
The Vintagent Selects: While We’re Here
13 hours ago
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