She was the strongest woman I've ever known. Her struggles would bring tears to my eyes. To see what she has seen would have been akin to our worst nightmares. Mother of three boys, she did everything she could to raise us handfuls.
She was a stern, stubborn woman that never said never, and never said no. She would fight a fight, right to the end. She fought her battle with her cancer 4 times. With the cancer eventually overcoming herself. She has moved on to a better place. She has overcome the pain and suffering and has found relief.
I don't think anyone ever deserves to suffer from the hardships she experienced. I hope her next life is better then this one.
May she rest in peace.
13th of April, 1939 - 28th of January, 2007
Slowly watch you die.
Depart from this saddened world
Enter a new life.
You're not mistaken I'm your friend
I'll be right here, till the end.
Though I'm not so sure, any more
Memories, not pretend.
Slowly slipping away from me
Clutching hands, on my knees
Saddened sorrow, secret bliss
Live on knowing you will be missed.
We all love you mum.
Stefano Cosentino
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