What a sad day it was for PC's everywhere today. First thing in the morning I went to BNI and the majority of referrals I received today were about PC's no longer working.
After BNI I went to training in the vein of losing more weight. So far it's a total of 17kg. Afterwards I went directly to a client who had booked me in last week.
When I arrived home, I decided to settle in, check me email and have some lunch. Once I had eaten I organised myself and started to contact my referrals to see what I could help them with.
Call 1; "PC is dead". I run through some troubleshooting and come to the conclusion that the PC is genuinely dead. Time to look for a new PC, since I could troubleshoot this one to my hearts content only to need replacement parts that manufactures stopped making a couple of years ago. I recommended a couple of new PC's suitable for their needs. Sent them an official quote later on. Hopefully they'll call me back. I enjoy assembling PC's and delivering them.
Call 2; "Computer is making a ticking sound". Excellent! Hard drive head crash for sure. And my guess was pretty spot on. New HDD it is. This job is still on its way.
Call 3; "Computer won't start". Ah, a good descriptive referral. That wasn't sarcasm. But it's a lot better than the following one. Turns out the Power Supply died, and sadly, upon testing has taken out the motherboard and CPU. Another case where the PC was too old to get replacement parts. Standards change and these parts are only really available on the second hand market.
Call 4; "Hard drive won't work". Ah, replace the drive, on my merry way. Except the "hard drive" we're talking about it actually the entire computer. I hadn't met someone this computer iliterate in so long that I forgot some people still refer to that little box on the floor a "hard drive". Same cause as before, PSU died and took out everything else. Luckily I tested the hard drive.... the actual hard drive and their data is safe. I'll keep it until they purchase a new PC.
It's sad that one device can take out an entire PC. But what can you do? The sad part is telling the customer. It's like giving them news of a death in the family.
On the up side, I make a few much needed dollars this week.
The Vintagent Selects: While We’re Here
13 hours ago
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