Monday, June 22, 2009

Water Restrictions Lifted

Most of my friends and even some business associates know that my wife and I are fairly proactive water conservationists. While we also recycle properly and don't litter, we also like to make sure that we are considerate of the environment.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Noch ein Bier, bitte! - One more beer, please!

The day was not dry, but cold and wet.

As time drew near, closer, we fret.

It was now due for us to leave.

Onward to Sash's party this eve.

We arrive with fanfare and our usual grace.

Sash greeting us with a smile on his face.

"Shit, we're late" lets make a move.

Jove's still getting dressed, dude.

Finally, we're off. To the train station

Crossing the street and up the elevation.

With a sudden blur, the train appears.

If we miss this one, we won't get there for years.

Blasting down the stairs

We just make it in.

Settled on the seating

With compromised position.

A stroll through the Quay

We make it to Löwenbräu

Spelling mistakes

Cause us to have a cow.

We were let in okay

And taken to our seats

Where we ordered our beers

And selection of cold meats.

Our meals arrived quickly

And on to our secord course

The beer was flowing

I started talking in Morse.

Voices got louder

Dirtier jokes

Helgas with boosoms

Covered in coats.

What the fuck?

This isn't right....

More beer please,

It's the start of the night!

Alex and Mary

Are off to get home

5am start

I don't envy them both.

Sash and Jove

Karensa and me

Talk and drink

With merry and glee.

Karensa and Jove

Stumble up the alley way

Jove is sick

Mixed alcohol gone stray

From champagne to schnapps

To beer, Oi! That was mine.

Jove is wasted

Spewing all the time.

We found her up the street

Kneeling over a pot plant

Bleahhhh, out it came

We all laughed, what a rant.

Laying down on the bench

She takes a small nap

Rudely awaken

By Sash's bursting yap!

"Get up, don't sleep"

Sash is freaking

Jove says "Shutup"

"I'm not sleephmfthing..."

We get her up

And she chunders some more.

Embarrassed, we walk her

To the main street floor.

TAXI! We caught one

The driver not sure.

Karensa assures him

She's already spewed before.

Sash held her boot

Over her mouth.

Ten minutes later,

Bleahhh! like a spout

Straight into the shoe

Down the calve it goes

Again and again

Who knows how many times

We finally arrive home

And put her to slumber

Karensa crashes in the car

What a bummer.

I sober up

And find Karensa in the car

Say goodbye to Sash

Best birthday by far.
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