Saturday, September 19, 2009

Just be

This has been floating around, in and out of my head for a little while now. I thought I'd talk about some that really got to me today. Being me.

See, more and more I come across people that want to be like the person next to them. What's wrong with being yourself?

Last night I was at a party where there was a woman who couldn't stop talking herself up. She's a musician and wanted you to know about it.

While there was really nothing wrong with this, her delivery... the way she told her story tuned me right out. The sad part for me was that I knew what she meant. Being a muso is hard work with no pay. Behind all the love for it I sensed she had a need for help. Sadly, I couldn't help her. But I understood in my subtle way and moved on with the conversation until my wife said "Steve plays too"

And so the torrent came. I felt bad for not listening. But I was really in no mood. A full on week with problems of my own to solve really took it out of me both mentally and physically. I had no energy to meet her enthusiasm for her meeting someone just like her.

I felt bad that I gave nothing back into the conversation, and I think she picked up on it. Though the funny part is, I've met her once before, though she didn't remember too well when I asked her if she needed help to call me. She never did. I would assume she remembered me because what she said was pretty much the same as the last time I met her.

While I am generally a giving person, even when it means I miss out or get into strife.... usually with my wife. I didn't have the patients to deal with her. Much like how I made my mind up a while back that I won't be babysitting self proclaimed musicians anymore. The ones that say everything is easy and that's simple but they can't hold a candle to Jingle Bells or Happy Birthday. And while I'm sure there are musos out there that can rock, but still can't play Bah Bah Black Sheep. The ones I'm talking about can't rock or play Insy Wincey Spider.

I have all the patients in the world though. I can sit there for hours teaching a kid one plus one. But I can't do the same with an adult. My wife reckons it's because I expect the adult to know better. I guess I expect someone who plays music for half their life to know as well. And when they don't, I get cranky.

But at the end of the day, they are trying hard to be something they are not. Why not just be. And stop trying to be like everyone else, or something that you think society wants you to be. Just be, be yourself. Be you. Be. Just be.

How can you expect anyone to accept you, if you can't accept who you are. Just be.


Anonymous said...

good advice, in the end you are who u pretend to be. so just be who you are and maybe some day someone will be appreciative of you.

Nikki said...

Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

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