I hope so anyway. When you look at the design of a steam engine, it has to be one of the best man-made things to exist. Unfortunately, due to progress and lack of environmental consciousness, combustion engines took over and steam died.
Now they might be back, and I'm really excited if this takes off.
Take a look here at what this guy talks about with the engine. It's a bit of information overload but if you're mechanically minded, you'll get it.
I went to the website to have a look for more information. Much of it is repeated from the video but there are pretty pictures and a bit more background.
Steam engines are good because they have 100% torque from the start. This design reduces reliance on fossil fuels while still utilising a small amount for heat production. The system's Ace of spades is that much like your refrigerator, it's a closed loop system that requires little to no maintenance. The water that's heated for propulsion is recycled from vapour back into water and used to not only propel the vehicle its powering, but to lubricate the moving parts in the engine.
I think it's back to basics, it's simple. It's efficient, well, more efficient than a petrol otto cycle engine. The heat it produces isn't wasted, it's actually used for forward motion. The high levels of torque eliminate a gear box with multiple forward gears so only forward and neutral is needed. For reverse, the engine can turn the other direction.
It's brilliant. I love it. I want to see it in action.
The Vintagent Selects: While We’re Here
13 hours ago
YES highly efficient steam generator is my dream power producer. I luv going to the fair to watch the steam engine exhibits.
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