Call them what you like, curve balls, a spanner in the works, fly in the ointment. It's all the same. But it's different for everyone. One persons problem is usually another persons advantage, or at the least, not their problem so who cares, right?
I think people care. If they didn't, they wouldn't want to read about them, hear about them or learn about them. I personally love hearing about other peoples problems. I take advantage of it. Not in a bad way, but for myself. I learn from it and avoid it. Or I try it myself knowing the pitfalls and come out with success.
However, sometimes when you have a go at something all by yourself. There isn't anyone to campare to, there isn't anyone to ask how they did it, or what they did to get to where they are. You don't want to follow their exact footsteps, but you want to know where its safe to tread and where you'll come unstuck and fall into a great big, dirty hole.
Then there's the crossroads. When you wander around lost for weeks, months or sometimes years. No alternatives, no choices, no nothing. Just dreary much the sameness. Then you are greeted with the crossroads. A place where all of a sudden the road changes. You now have choices, and usually its too many.
I've hit these crossroads many times, and it's one thing in life that doesn't get easier the more times you do it.
My crossroads is, that I found a music school that's quite local, and its for sale at a price I can afford. To anyone else, this sounds brilliant. What an opportunity! Then I can sweeten it for you by saying, this school has been established for over 50 years. So its got a great reputation, good clientele and isn't going anywhere soon.
However, I've already started my commitment to my music school. But it is early days, and I can just say "Stuff it, lets do it".
Naturally I'm not going to buy a business just like that. I need to see their financial details. I need to see how much money they're actually making. Then I need to run all that by my accountant. Wait for his nod of approval and move in.
This all sounds like such a brilliant opportunity. So, why is it a spanner in the works?
It wasn't the plan.
When speaking to my wife about it last night, she said "And what about your music school". Well, my music school is a music school. This music school that's for sale is a music school. It's the same thing really. The only catch is, this one costs money, but comes with all the clients and teachers.
So I'm basically paying to fast forward my school a couple of years. Is it worth it? Well, that will have to wait for the books to clear the accountants eagle eyes. I'm looking at this as an opportunity. If the accounts look bad, then it's back to building by school and keep on moving forward in the normal "play" mode, not fast forward.
The spanners are frustrating though.
My Motorcycle History, Part 1
6 hours ago
Hmmm sounds interesting. You know , you could always keep your school on the down low. Slowly move them over to the new school and watch the new school grow. if you are getting clients through your inexpensive efforts at home then why not just move them over to the new one once you buy it. Tell em you have a bldg and youd like ot teach them over there. And move them over to a new teacher.
But remember when the economy isnt doing well music lessons is one of the first to go.
Excellent idea.
Yes, music lessons will be the first to go. But it's still going to be better than making a heap of money one month, then nothing for three months like in my current line of work where no computers die for weeks and weeks.
I think I'd also take a great deal of interest in the reason they are selling it. Health problems, old age, Its going down hill fast, the landlord is about to go way up on the rent or lease?
No post for a while ? are u alright?
Been away, camping in the Aussie outback. Prepare for a new post.
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