When I think of music. I often think about the bands I perform in. I think about the way I play music. I think about the influences of the music I listen to and how it changes the way I play things.
If you ask any of my band mates and such "Is Steve a music snob?" They will say "Yes" and then also continue calling me other names like "Band Whore" and "Band Slut" because I play music with whoever, and I'm not committed to one band or person. I take every opportunity to perform live on stage, and if I could make a living off it I would. But alas, I'm not good looking and I can't sing very well. So I'll never be a rock star.
If you asked my band mates "What is the most common thing that comes out of Steves mouth?" They would say "Band Suck" and "People are f*@ked."
The latter is true, there's no need to bang on about that much further. We (my readers and friends) all know how people are all idiots, myself included.
However, when I say bands suck. I really mean it. From the politics right up to the music. Whether I'm performing with the band or not. It doesn't matter.
One of the strongest arguements I've always held about music is that most of it is rubbish. I think I'm allowed to say so. I listen to every genre, every type of music there is out there. Even just plain old noise. So when something ordinary comes along, I voice my opinion about how crap it really is.
One of the genre's that always falls in my targets is mainstream pop music. It has to be the most uninspring sound to have come to conception since Metallica recorded Load.
Why so? How can some of the coolest songs in the world be so uninspired? This video sums it up well enough for me to shut up about it.
So, next time Beyonce gets up with her mates Jay Z, Lady Gaga and all the rest of the regurgitating monkeys and puppets of todays music scene. Have a think about how many times the same music has been pumped into your ears before.
I have a theory on all this and why mainstream music is so popular.
A while ago I posted an entry about how AC/DC was the McDonald's of music in my twitter account. I may have said something about it here too, but I can't remember. My theory was that nearly all their songs sound the same. Which is why they're so popular. Every song is familiar. It's like snuggling up to a warm blanket you grew up with. It smells the same, it feels the same, it looks the same. So you love it. And AC/DC is just like that. The same, every album, every song. It's all the same.
People lap up pop music because without them even knowing it, they're listening to the same thing. A new song sounds awesome! Why? Because it sounded just like the last awesome song, which was awesome. But now it's old.
Why does it get so old, so quick?
Compare it to timeless classics, the ones no one buys but everyone will listen to if it's playing, and they'll know all the words. Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, it all sounded diffrent, and they were popular too. I can't explain why apart from the only reason being that people are idiots, which takes me back to my first point. Maybe we're all becoming more and more idiots. Eventually everything will be the same.
Look at kids these days and everything is already the same. "I'm bored" they say. How can you be bored? I had fun with a stick and a couple of marbles when I was a kid.
Yep, overstimulation has caused people, not just kids, to ignore the mundane and look as well as expect the fireworks. We all want the big bang at the beginning. And the middle, and the end. And we want to expect it every time. It has to be the same experience every time, or we'll want our money back.
In the end we'll all just conform, end up robot zombies, all the same. But that's okay, because that's what people like, for the song to remain the same.
I just played and sang at the Slabs again. This time one of the members from a visiting pro band came up to me and asked if I would like to record with him. he gave me a bunch of complments and told me I got a unique voice and sound. Wow what a booster!
I agree with you on the band thing, I just like to play and Ill play with whoever at the moment.
I guess If I ever got rich and famous ( ha ha ) I would stick with the guys that got us there.
nice post!
Thanks mate. And kudos! to the compliments you received. I'm about to write about that topic itself.
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