Ever so often, there are disasters that make you sit up and pay attention. Disasters are always just that. A disaster.
Sometimes disasters cannot be avoided, while others can.
One of the biggest disasters to have occurred in recent times is the oil spil in the United States. I'm not going to go into the details, as it has been welled covered over the news and Internet. Hovewer, I came across this website today with images from the area affected by the oil.
The first image shows a sign with the writing "God help us all".
If there is a God. I think they are the only one who can help. But if there is a God, why would they when greedy bastards have their own agenda and care little about others.
From the outside, and I mean that by being in a country not the U.S. It would seem that those in responsible in the United States for the United States care little about it.
If they did, New Orleans would have been cleaned up by now. And I'd imagine this BP oil spill, as it has already been, will continue for quite some time.
People responsible aren't being that. And the only one left, since no one is taking the heat that will be left to fix it all is probably God.
While I'm not a religious person, I have belief. And I believe the sign in that first photograph is all there is since one one else is raising their hand.
I can only imagine the devastation of this disaster. The rest of the photos show peoples lives and businesses that have failed due to their livelihood relying on the fresh coast, now tainted with an inconvenient leak that no one is really stopping.
I may not be hearing or seeing the full story living all the way down in Australia. But what I have heard, read and seen is enough for me to be distraught with humanity and there isn't much that's happening that will restore that for me. Not in relation to this anyway.
World powers are the kingdoms of the devil. He offered them to Jesus before he was crucified. Worldly possession is the only heaven for the wicked and uncaring.
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