Every year, I come away with some new piece of technology that I end up selling because it will make life easier for me and all my clients, friends, family, the world.
This time around wasn't so fun. The amount of crap there was at CeBIT this year was in abundance. The only thing I benefited from was getting a years subscription for free to AVIRA Anti Virus software suite. The rest could and did get put in the bin after I opened my showbag when I got home to read the pamphlets and brochures I took from the stalls that offered something slightly interesting.
Truth is, there was nothing interesting except for a hosting company in Queensland who powered their servers with wind and solar power. They plant a tree every time you host with them. They actually gave me a small plant as part of the showbag. It's sitting in my office as you read this. Growing, and providing me with good, clean oxygen. Well, it will, one day. Right now it's probably loving the kerosene rich air coming off the tarmac 800 metres away from my window where the Sydney International Airport is.
The other stall that was interesting was a small company providing Linux based thin clients. Nothing extraordinary about that. Well, the boxes are small, don't look like crap and consume only 3 Watts of power. This is about 30 times less power than the monitor it'll be pushing the graphics to. But regardless of how cool it was. The stall was tucked away in the darkest corner of the exhibition centre where you'd probably stumble upon it while searching for a toilet.
I won't call it a complete failure. But it was a waste of my day that I could have spent earning money. I have always considered CeBIT an investment of my time because I have walked away from there with a new product to sell, or a new idea. I've met new people and make some great business relationships that I still use today for parts and accessories. This time around it wasn't so good and I think I'll be a bit apprehensive next year when CeBIT rolls around again.
Sad, really.
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