They're the generation Y. The generation that apparently can't hold a job for more than 6 months. It's a generation that was brought up with the need for everything NOW, and that's when they get it. Now later, not next week. NOW!Holding a job was once one of those things you were proud of. Dad had a job for 20 years. His dad did the same thing all his life, before than there was a war, so we won't go back quite that far. But what causes these Gen Y people to be so impatient?
Well, I don't think it's impatience at all. I think it has more to do with the fact that their parents were the impatient ones that always gave in to the Gen Y'ers demands. Discipline went out the window along with morals and grace. Gen Y'ers don't care much for etiquette or seem to respect others.
I know this sounds much like a generalisation towards certain group of people born during a certain decade. But when you look at them as a society. Do you really want a doctor looking after you and then leaving their job because during the 6 months you were on chemotherapy, they didn't get a pay rise or promotion?
I was watching a documentary on television a few days ago that followed a man who was pretty much an entomologist all his life. While the length of time he spent with his single career wasn't a big deal to me, the provocative thought of someone replacing him in the future couldn't really compute in my head. I couldn't imagine a single Gen Y'er I know taking up that career let alone taking the time to research something that would possibly consume their entire life.
Every time I think of Generation Y, I think of the film Idiocracy, where everyone in the future is stupid, high on energy drinks and pathetic TV shows, and loves to party. Anything that doesn't go their way ends up being raged again until it does. In other words, a tantrum of V and Mother combined. Brilliant!
When you ask a Gen Y'er what they feel? The general consensus is that they are bored. In our world of over stimulation and shiny things, subtle things.... little things that make our world special go unnoticed. They go by without a glance. I'm usually a simple person and what I find amusing or interesting others don't. I feel that a lot of this is lost with Gen Y'ers and that our society as a whole will become bored and disinterested at anything slightly less boring than a monster truck jumping through a loop of fire into a pool full of petrol and driving out into a brick wall that explodes, killing the driver and all the spectators. The crowd, that survived.... "Meh" is the response while they eat their hotdog on a stick, corn on a stick, battered sav.... on a stick.
So, what's to come of this?
I think the future will look more like Las Vagas. Except, it'll look like that everywhere. Moore's law will live on, inside everything, not just computers. People will want more, and they will get more. And if they don't, they'll take off and go somewhere else where there is more. The scary part is somewhere else might be on another planet. While that's cool, I was born when Total Recall was made. I've seen what happens when you live on another planet. You have wars with aliens and girls with three boobs. Having an extra boob isn't worth a war. Not until I grow an extra arm.
In the end the future is bleak. The future is Gen Y and they don't care because they'll be too busy demanding someone else to make it better.
Generation Y will simply be made obsolete and completely irrelevant by the impact of Generation C.
But aren't all preceding generations making the last obsolete?
I watched the video, the feeling I get is that English is the catalyst to make life better, you have to wonder though.... will learning English make those peoples lives better, or their will to make it better because they learnt something that conforms to the majority of Earth's society.
Will these people who learn English keep a stable job and stay in one career? Will they get bored as easily and mope around their life saying "I'm bored"? Will they be so over stimulated that anything they do in the future will be boring, tedious and a waste of time because sitting on the couch, watching tv and drinking an energy drink is far better?
Or will this new generation of people learn from Gen Y and tell themselves "Stuff that, I'm not going to be bored all my life".
I feel another blog entry coming on from that subject alone.
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