Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Now with more MySpazz

Being an IT geek, people are always surprised to find that I don't follow all the other trends like joining MySpace, FaceBook, etc etc. So it came as a bit of a shock when I joined twitter. I named it after my business in the hope that I'll use it for that purpose. If anything all I've done is cram it with useless nonsense much like every other twit(er) on the planet.

However, working more and more with music, and seeing the benefits of MySpace. I decided I'd get a page up and put some stuff in it. So, I'm now officially on MySpace, or as I like to call it "MySpazz" or alternatively "MyFaceTubeInternets".

Check out this rudimentary setup on MySpace while I work out how to skin it up and add more pics. http://www.myspace.com/soundsaroundme.

I hope you enjoy it. The track was made completely from an acoustic guitar and a bass guitar with some special effects thrown it for a laugh. The track is a soundtrack to an artist friends presentation DVD he put together to show off his sculptures, but he's too shy to do anything further with.


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