Sunday, November 22, 2009

I love the heat, but not this much

Summer is coming. The signs are here!

It's 42°C right now, and the last few days it's been reaching 33°C before 10am.

Fortunately it's not too humid. I can handle the heat, but mix in a bit of humidity and I fall apart. I can't function. I just melt where I'm standing and die.

Hopefully tomorrow isn't as hot. I have a busy morning booked with clients and then the afternoon making kebabs at the office with the guys downstairs from me who for every year at Christmas buy a skewer of kebab meat and attach it to their burner. It's a proper kebab burner.

Can't wait. I love making my own kebabs because you can put how much of whatever you want on it.

I've also invited some of my favourite clients to come and have some lunch.

Because of this heat, I have been sitting around, being lazy and fanning myself. Yesterday my nephew and niece said "why don't you just put the fan on"

Fanning myself with a hand fan was nicer and didn't use any electricity at all. I was more satisfied doing that than standing in front of an electric fan.


Anonymous said...

Im the same when it comes to humidity. Give me dry heat over humidity any day.

Pipsqeek said...

Yesterday I was at an outdoor venue and all of a sudden after a nice, cool afternoon the evening got muggy. As I looked up I saw clouds. Humidity! Damn you!

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