Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bill Bailey

I went to see Bill Bailey last night.

Surely, he is the funniest man alive. The randomness of his ramblings and his musical act he puts on has to be one of the funniest things anyone has seen.

Bill Bailey played at the State Theatre is Sydney last night.

I think the reason I relate to a lot of his acts is because I'm a bit like that in real life. I'm not quite so off the wall as him. But I would imagine in real life he's a pretty sort of normal person, like myself. Who uses his ability to get up on stage and produce a hilarious 2 hours of time for you to invest in, and be rewarded with laughter until your tummy hurts and your cheeks fall off.

I found myself permenantly smiling, in anticipation of what he will do next. Now he's on about chocolate coated marmalade. What? No! Why?

It's good to see that his shows have really modernised in a big way. You can only look back at the raw footage of his previous shows such as Part Troll. Although the shows are more polished these days. The content remains as sharp and as witty as ever.

It is true that there are some gags which are recyceled material, but how ofter do you find yourself at a mates place talking about the same thing you talked about last time you were together? Quite often, I'd imagine, as I do. But Bailey likes to freshen it up a bit by adding even more elaborate construction to the gags by using his large vocabulary of the English (and German, and French) language and glueing it all together into a pulp of humour that leaves you laughing for days after the event happened.

There are comedians who make you laugh. Then you forget about it and resume your natural livelyhood. Then there are comedians who make you believe they are truely nutters, that make you cry from laughter and leave a lasting impression of a permenant smile on your brain for days after the event occurred. Bill Bailey is the Holocaust of humour.

Did I enjoy it? That's like asking a small rodent if he likes to borrow into your garden scraps and eat your festering compose. That's like asking a small child if they like ice cream.

A brilliant evening of entertainment that cannot be substituded by anything other than Bill coming over to a dinner party. He's on the top of my list.


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