Today was a nice day.
Woke up nice and early, took the missus to the train station. Dropped her off and she was on her way to work. Meanwhile, I returned home ate some breakfast, checked my email, looked at my customers unpaid invoices and did some housekeeping on my network before 9am.
Later on I sent some customers some emails advising them when I'll be visiting them, while I sent the others my unpaid invoice reminders. By 9:30am I had to take off to a clients so I could make sure their system was running properly. I've been having printer issues with them lately, HP says the printer is fine. But it isn't. Luckily the client is a very understanding person and gets that things don't always work properly.
The great news is, they'll be getting a webpage done by me. So I have another client to add to the hosting side of my business.
I returned home but first went to the bank to deposit some much needed money (YAY! Some of my clients are actually decent people and pay me). I decided I'd go get some lunch, but in the end I changed my mind and came home, made myself some wraps with tortillas, garlic sauce, green capsicum, cabbage, chicken, salami and cheese.
I had an appointment at 2pm to see another client. A new one! I found them a couple of months ago, right before heading away for my wedding. I was called in to fix a PC, but came out supporting their entire Apple Mac network. I'm taking notes like crazy because the network is a rats nest of file shares and bits and pieces everywhere. I suggested a server but they really didn't want that. Ah well, I love clients that never listen.
Truthfully, a lack of server is making everyones life harder. But what do I know.
I arrived home before 3pm, when another new Mac client popped in to drop off their 17" MacBook Pro to get more storage space. I removed the old 100GB drive and replaced it with the new 500GB drive within 20 minutes. Then I Carbon Copy Cloned the old drive to the new one. This took 2 hours.
Now all that is left is to test out the clone to make sure everything is operating like before. Then I can give the client back their Mac with piece of mind.
Started to prepare dinner and got the phone call that the wife needed to be picked up from the train station in 10 minutes. When I got back the house was on fire!
No, just kidding.
We got back to a warm home and dinner was almost ready. I packed away the customers MacBook Pro, had some strawberries for dessert, and am about to sit and watch TV with the wife.
Good Night,
The Vintagent Selects: While We’re Here
13 hours ago
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