There's a lot to do this week. Organise my birthday, get the car serviced... well, that's it really. I do have other things to do like follow up some business enquiries, look at an office space for my business and maybe even get myself a little present.
Wifey wants to really buy me that Crossley's Guitar I liked. I'd love it. But it is rather pricey. I mean, $3K+ is asking for a great guitar. But then I have to buy an amp for it. Ebay will more than likely be my first stop.
She's keen on getting me the guitar. Her excuse is "You don't turn 30 every day". True. But you don't turn 17 eery day either. But I guess her point is, 30 is a milestone. There was once a time when people didn't ever live that long. Average life expectancy in the 1800's was about 27. That means I would already be dead, three years ago and wouldn't be writing this post... or maybe I would be. But with a fountain pen on some bark referring to it as my Will.
I might look at some amps later on ebay :)
Other than that, I have some cheques to deposit, clients to see and see if I can fit in lunch somewhere during the mid-week madness I call hump day. I've powered through most of my work for the week already. So there is not much left to do but organise my personal life.
This blog helps with that. It replaced my quick stint using Journler. A free application that is to become not-free on the next release. It has been a good little app for taking notes, and well, keeping a journal. But I prefer not paying for things. Because I'm a tight arse. So my random thoughts and brain explosions go here for me to read back later and for you to enjoy. Which I hope you do.
I'm going to be writing up some car reviews here soon. Hopefully that'll get my name across as a good journalist for the automotive industry. I failed at applying for Top Gear, and they ended up picking three guys that were already in the industry. So much for SBS wanting average people to fit the bill. What a waste.
Secretly, I want the Aussie Top Gear to fail. But I will be watching it, in protest of course. I mean, let me make a point. I don't want anything bad to happen. I just don't like dis-honest people and I anticipate karma coming back and biting them in the butt. I think a lot of people are going to expect a similar show to the UK version and because of this, will rag on the show not being the same. Then again, seeing some Top Gear ads for Australia, seeing some recorded outtakes and all that, I have a suspicion that it won't be too dissimilar. And the public will love it. The hosts will be gods and the show will last as long as the UK version has..... maybe.
I want that, at least I'm trying to convince myself that's what I want. Because I can't lie. I have to be honest not only to you but to myself and say that I want the show to fail. Good luck to them.
The Vintagent Selects: While We’re Here
12 hours ago
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