A relatively quiet weekend, one would call it.
What did you get up to this weekend pips? Well.... Not a lot really. I was going to try and cut my lawn/jungle. But it was just too hot. And since my yard is the size of Botswana, I need to just pay someone else to do it for me. Work is so busy that I don't have time to do it myself.
But, ah... I'm here, writing this blog entry. So, how is it I don't have time to do my house work. Well. I cleaned the inside of the house. But that's easy in comparison to mowing my lawns. I know it's an excuse, but you try cutting my grass. It'll take all weekend. I guarantee it.
What I was busy going was getting this mail server updated. I got a new hard drive put in. And the migration didn't go as smoothly as I planned. I did however get it all working, as you can now read this in testament to my success.
With limited knowledge and hardware resources, it wasn't easy migrating a server installation spanning across multiple volumes over to a single larger hard drive. There was a lot of down time and a lot of hardware swapsies. Musical hard drives.
In the end, I now have more storage space for my email and errr, media.
From being so busy last week I woke up on Saturday morning, only to head over to the couch, turn on the tv and fall asleep again. Everyone who knows me will know I don't normally do that. I must have been tried. Last night I fell asleep on the couch again, but this time before dinner at my brother-in-laws. Being waken up by my wife telling me food is ready. It was ready an hour ago! I know because I did the Barbecuing.
So, how do I have time now to write this and not cut my grass?
Well, I've given myself a day off to really recover from last week. Plus, I can't go anywhere because HP is delivering me a warranty replacement laptop that according to them will arrive between 9am and 5pm. Fantastic ability to narrow down a delivery. Unfortunately, this means I am stuck here until it arrives.
On the plus side, I am currently migrating all my "media" to my new hard drive in the server. It'll be done by tomorrow. There's a lot of data. Email has been migrated back. All my websites I'm working on are back. Good to see their databases all moved over perfectly. Touch wood! And I have two new mac clients and two new web clients to attend to.
So, really I don't have a day off at all. I've just given everyone a reason not to contact me today.
The Vintagent Selects: While We’re Here
12 hours ago
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