Thursday, October 16, 2008

Macs, Macs, Macs and Toshibas? Who put that there?

Unlike most Apple fanatics, I tend to enjoy my sleep on the night of Steve Jobs getting up and announcing to the world that he has revolutionised the computer industry yet again with awesome new macs. So I'm saddened to wake up today to find new notebooks from Apple.

Apple? Huh? They still make laptops?

Could've fooled me. Last time I looked at the new range I thought someone hacked their site and put pics of Toshibas up there.

This has to go down in Apple's history books as one of the What Were They Thinking models. Generally when Apple do anything, they do it with style. Even Keynote presentations are done with style that no one else can match. So, what went wrong?

I have a clue. The iMac team started to sleep with the MacBook and MacBook Pro team. One thing led to another, and BOOM! MacBooks and MacBook Pros that look like iMacs. Well, I think that's what they were going for. It must have looked good on paper (read: CAD/Illustrator/Whatever). But when it comes to real life... I genuinely thought these were something new from Toshiba when I first saw them. And I thought "wow, they made them as thin as Apple's notebooks.

WRONG! It's all going wrong.

Don't believe me? Here's one to compare.

On the plus side, the specs are great. And as always with Apple, the value for money just gets better and better. But what works with the iMac does not and will not work for the notebook lineup. I'm sure people will still buy them. I'm sure Apple with note a worthy sales increase of about 2.5-5% in their next keynote.

What I'm not sure about is the aesthetics of the currently new range. I am not a fan.


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