Friday, October 9, 2009

CRM, maybe I'm just a simpleton

CRM, like most technological advances on the Internet have had their time in the lime light. Buzz words like Cloud computing fit into the same criteria.

I had the opportunity to test out some CRM software for my personal endeavour to help my business as well as my general knowledge for when a customer asks me about it.

My opinion of CRM software is that it's complicated and cumbersome. Years ago, I set up a wiki for myself where I have all my client data as well as settings, configurations and so. There isn't CRM software where I can enter this data into. There isn't an area where I can attach a picture of a map to their premises.

I thought about it longer and convinced myself that all these people are having great success with CRM software managing their clientele base. I'm not, so I must be the problem. And I'd agree with you. CRM isn't for me. Just like MYOB isn't for me either.

However, when I tried to do the simplest things in this CRM software, like add a new client, or create an email template so I can later tell the software to email that client or that group of clients, I was unable to figure out how to add clients easily, then create a group in which they all live so I can create an email and say "send it to people in this group now"

And in theory it should do it.

However, each and every CRM software I tried had a certain thing to it I couldn't put my finger on. I later realised it while I was using another CRM application that they're all aimed at one type of market. The corporate market.

Now, before I define my idea of what the corporate market is and how I based my opinion on this. I want to say that the software is basically a mish mash of fields and text in no particular order or interest in presentation. It's hard to read and not easy on the eyes at all.

To me, a CRM should be easy to read by providing only the info you want, not a host of other garbage that only gets in the way.

Just look at how simple and effective Google is with their search engine. You gave a white expanse, simple yet pretty to look at. It does the job and does it well.

The CRM's I tried are more like Bing.... or as I call it Bling. Colourful, loud and unnecessarily in your face. Then you actually try to search for something and it's too hard to cypher through all the dribble.

Call this a venting of poor software. I agree. CRM is crap. I'll stick to my wiki.


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